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  • March 3, 2021 89

Your girlfriend is really grateful for all these new shoes


You have a surprise for you beautiful girlfriend Daniela - you bough her several new pairs of shoes because you know she loves shoes, especially high heels and boots. She should be happy as unicorn when she sees them and she will surely give you something in return ;-). When she arrives she's really surprised and excited and she starts to try her new shoes on, pair by pair. You, being into nice shoes and feet yourself, picked up shoes you knew you'll both enjoy and boy they look SEXY! on her feet. She shows them off every time and she does a little teasing with her feet too and you are there up close to see it all and as a thanks she'll surely let you to worship her sexy feet and all these nice shoes. After all you've been a very good boyfriend today...

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High heels Foot teasing Boots Bare feet


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